Jun 30, 2024
The future Fr. Michael was having a difficult time praying to the heavenly Father. Where was the response? As a seminarian, he just wasn't hearing anything from above. Then, one day, he took the advice of Jesus.
The Son of God has told us in Scripture that the way to the
Father is through the Son. So, Michael, who was behind the wheel of
his old pickup truck took his prayers to Jesus. 'Show me the
Father,' said young Michael. He glanced to the right passenger seat
and found a smiling Jesus looking back at him. That was the
You are a beloved adopted son or daughter of the Father. Back
in the early days of the church, it was Roman law that if you found
your newborn child to be defective, you could throw the child away.
Just leave it on the side of the road. However, if you adopted a
child, you were not allowed to disown the child. You were bound
together forever! We need to remember that as we walk through
life's journey. We are forever His adopted children. He is always
there and loving us as no one else can.
Unfortunately, because we all have defective fathers, and
perhaps a defective way of looking at the 'Old Testament God,' we
may be approaching Him in a defective way. Fr. Michael Denk relives
his supernatural experience with Jesus in the cab of his truck, as
well as the best way to approach Him in prayer.
And then there is Trapper and his dad's interesting way of
welcoming newborns into the world. The Flying Wallendas would've
loved it!
Enjoy the podcast!
Click here to reach Fr. Michael's website:
The Prodigal Father https://www.theprodigalfather.org/
Click here to watch Fr. Michael's interview with Trapper
Immerse yourself in a captivating interview with Trapper Jack, presented by Fr. Michael Denk
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