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What did God say today? God is speaking powerfully through the miraculous daily collisions of heaven and earth.

The Touched by Heaven podcast shares encounters with angels, divine interventions, visions, near-death experiences, and God-incidents to fortify the faithful and awaken the fallen away.


Nov 24, 2024

TBH 343

“When my father was seeing another woman, God allowed my mother to hear everything my dad said or even thought.”


Hi! Trapper Jack here. Movie watching has led to our topic this week.

The music that has bubbled up in my head comes from the movie Superman with Christopher Reeve. It's a particular piece...

Nov 17, 2024

TBH 342

What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? They pass through each other. Here, the Trump prophecy of 60 weeks ago passes through the 'why' he was saved.


Hi! Trapper Jack here. I said some crazy prophetic type of stuff 60 plus weeks ago in episode 280. The podcast mentioned how the...

Nov 10, 2024

TBH 341

"We have to remember what Jesus said, ‘Unless we are like a child, we cannot enter into heaven.’”


I literally just walked our daughter, Carolyn, down the aisle to her wonderful new husband, Daniel. My wife, Elizabeth, and I were just reflecting on a particular Sunday morning, five years ago, while...

Nov 3, 2024

TBH 340

The Virgin has told us that the chastisement for the world is coming, as the world is not changing. The cup is filling up ~ Garabandal visionaries


Hi! Trapper Jack here. Have you ever pondered the gospel where Jesus has locked up the house that is headed for heaven. In this parable, the crowd arrives and...